Monday 24 February 2014

Manicure Monday: Perfecting the 'do it yourself' manicure

Perfecting the ‘do it yourself’, at home manicure - I know, it's a challenge that all of us ladies face from time to time.

However, with my help, I think, you too, will be able to give your tips a well-deserved pamper that every girl would be proud of.

First of all let’s get one thing straight, I love, love, love painting my nails. In fact, it's a little weird how excited I become at the thought of changing my nail colour, or decorating my tips with a different pattern or adding a touch of sparkle to my fingers with the latest glitter coat.

However, I can't remember the last time I gave my nails some real tender, love and care. Unfortunately, my passion for making my nails look pretty has, ironically, led me to abuse me tips, by constantly removing the nail polish and re-painting them.

As such, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to treat my nails to a bit of a boost. And girls, you know when your nails feel so amazing you can't stop touching then? When your tips are so irresistibly smooth, you find yourself almost, stroking them? Yes? Well this manicure gave me that feeling.

Want to do the same? Well I'll let you in on my secret.

It will take: 20ish minutes.

What you will need:
  • A nail brush
  • Nail clippers/scissors
  • A nail block
  • A nail file
  • Cuticle tidier
  • Almond oil
  • Nail polish / strengthener (optional)
  • Hand & Nail cream

Step 1: A good clean. Use a nail brush and some soapy water to get all the dirt out from underneath your nails. I didn't realise how much of a difference this makes - doing this alone on a daily basis could put the sparkle back into your nails.

Step 2: If necessary cut using nail clippers or scissors. I've been growing mine for months now and they have become weak, breaking easily - so I decided to go for a fresh start and cut mine down.

#Tip: If cutting, always leave room for filing - it is a common mistake to cut the nail right down, forgetting that the nail file will shave a little bit off too. Don't make this mistake, it could be painful!

Step 3: Shape using a nail file, either square or round.

#Tip: This is a must, must, must. It is essential that you invest in a good nail file - cheap ones, like those you get in a pack of 100 for a £1, will break your nails. For me at the minute, my favourite file is from The Body Shop (you'll be able to see it in the photo at the top of this post) - it's £2 for two, bargain!

Step 4: Use a nail block to smooth down and shine your nails. This is the perfect solution for anyone, like me, whose nails tend to peal easily. If you've got them, you'll completely understand what I'm on about - when the top layers of your nail catches and peels back, it's gross. Anyway, get a nail block on them - that will do the trick.

Step 5: Push back the cuticles and apply almond oil. Try this cute 2-in-1 'Almond Nail & Cuticle Oil' pen, from The Body Shop - because the end is soft and spongy, it tidies the cuticles without causing any pain or discomfort. Rub the oil into the cuticle and nail using your fingers - it will look greasy at first but soon enough, the oil will dry.

Step 6: This one is optional. Paint your nails. I opted for a clear nail strengthener because I'm trying to give my nails a bit of a detox. However, the nail block will make them shiny enough for you to go without a polish if you wish.

Step 7: To top off your manicure, moisturise your hands with some hand & nail cream – this will keep them feeling smooth and soft, not to mention keep them looking young. And ladies, don’t hesitate to be over-generous with the moisturiser. You can never use too much hand cream – in my opinion, the more the better. Struggling to find a nice cream that does the job? Well, a personal favourite of mine at the moment is ‘Almond Hand & Nail Cream’, The Body Shop.

And there you have it, the perfect 'do it yourself' manicure. Try it yourself and remember, stay fierce.