Monday 17 March 2014

Deliciously healthy homemade granola: the first step to getting that beach body

I honestly didn't realise how much sugar was in shop-bought Granola. I know what you're thinking, it's meant to be good for you - yeah, I thought so too. So when I found out that it wasn't actually the healthy alternative breakfast I had hoped for, I decided to have a go at making my own. And, it was so scrumptious and I felt so much better off knowing what exactly was in my cereal, I decided to share my creation with you. Oh and it's so simple, you won't be able to say no to giving it a go yourself.

What you will need:

210g rolled oats (must be rolled and not porridge oats)
60g dried fruit
30g almond flakes
30g pumpkin seeds
30g sunflower seeds
60g sultanas
2 1/2 Tablespoons x natural honey
2 tablespoons x vegetable / extra virgin olive oil

Time it will take: Approximately 10 - 15 minutes

This will make: 16 x 30g portions

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Preheat the oven to 160C / 320F

2. Put all of the ingredients into a medium-sized bowl, apart from the sultanas and mix together. Note, you don't want to cook the sultanas because they burn easily and can give your granola a bad taste.

#Tip: Taste your granola mix before you put it in the oven to make sure it is to your liking - add more honey if necessary.

3. Spread a thin layer (around 0.5 thick) of the mix onto a baking tray and place in the oven. You might need more than one baking tray - I had to use two.

4. Check on your granola after 10 minutes and give it a little shake / mix around, so that it all gets cooked evenly.

5. Leave it for five more minutes before removing from the oven. Note, at this point it might not look cooked enough but trust me, once you it cools down it will be beautifully crunchy - if you cook it for much longer, it will probably burn and you don't want to be eating burnt granola.

6. At this point, add your sultanas to your mix.

7. Once cool, place in a storage jar or sandwich bag.

So there you have it, homemade healthy granola. I recommend 30g per portion, especially if you are trying to watch what you eat - add a chopped up banana or extra sultanas if you want to bulk it up. And why not try it with unsweetened almond milk, if you want to be super healthy. Remember, as long as you have an oat base, you can pretty much add any type of nut (unsalted), seed or dried fruit to your granola depending on what foods you like best.

Give it a go and remember, stay fierce.